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The WIRTGEN WRC 240i rock crusher enables the crushing, processing and homogenization of hard-core concrete fragments, cobblestones and stony ground with an output of up to 600 tons per hour. It can also be used to stabilize soils.

New WIRTGEN WRC 240i Crushes in Place

May 31, 2024 / Paving Corner
Do you want to increase sustainability by using existing materials while reducing costs associated with trucking? WIRTGEN’s new WRC 240i rock crusher breaks course rocks in situ, such as pavement layers and stony soils, and produces a homogenous mix in a continuous process that shortens construction times, conserves resources, and lowers CO2 emissions. Continue reading...
About the new vogele compact paver for sale. new pavers. new compact paver for sale. high laydown rate.

Paving Corner: VOGELE SUPER 1300-3i Delivers

February 27, 2024 / Paving Corner
Do you need a compact paver with a high laydown rate? With the ability to pave up to 16 feet, 5 inches while putting down 385 tons per hour, the VÖGELE SUPER 1300-3i has you covered. Continue reading...
WIRTGEN AutoTrac system increases efficiency is for recyclers and stabilizers and reduces environmental impact heavy machinery and equipment from kirby-smith machinery

WIRTGEN AutoTrac System Increases Efficiency

November 08, 2023 / Paving Corner
Using environmentally friendly processes and handling valuable resources responsibly are becoming more important in the areas of soil stabilization and cold recycling. Cost-effective realization of these processes is only possible when they are efficiently executed. With the launch of the AutoTrac system for its WR Series, WIRTGEN now offers a technology that focuses precisely on this. Continue reading...
HAMM's new HX Series rollers , pivot-steered, intuitive operation, Easy Drive, Smart Compact digital assistant, comfort features.

Paving Corner: HAMM’s new HX Series rollers

May 19, 2023 / Paving Corner
HAMM has a new flagship in its fleet. Designed for asphalt compaction, the recently introduced HX Series pivot-steered tandem rollers have intuitive operation with Easy Drive, high-performance data, comfort features, sustainable operation, and the Smart Compact digital compaction assistant. Continue reading...
VÖGELE is once again at the forefront of technology and innovation

Paving Corner: New VÖGELE high-compaction screeds increase versatility, lower pavement placement costs

December 27, 2022 / Paving Corner
VÖGELE is once again at the forefront of technology and innovation with the development of high-compaction, deep-lift screeds for asphalt pavements, and other products such as CTB (cement-treated base) and RCC (roller-compacted concrete). High-compaction screeds are a necessity when the job calls for a high load-bearing pavement capacity, such as truck stops, docks, and military installations where CTB and RCC are the paving materials of choice. Continue reading...