Customer in Focus: J&B Asphalt & Paving, LLC

October 18, 2019 / Customer in Focus


Kansas City-area contractor marks 40 years of providing smooth surfaces for customers

In his early 20s, Bill Lamore spent much of his day behind a desk doing paperwork. Occasionally, he was able to get away and lend a hand to a friend who owned a paving company.

“I wanted a change that would have an element of both – something that would work my mind and my body – physical and paper,” recalled Bill. “After helping my friend a number of times, I decided that owning an asphalt business would give me that balance. I’ve had a couple of partners through the years, both of whom had a first name that started with J, including my brother Jeff. That’s where the name J&B Asphalt & Paving came from.”

Today, Bill is the sole owner of the Kansas City, Mo., firm, which began in 1979. He’s joined by wife, Rosanne, who manages the office and their son, Will, who handles estimating and field operations. The company serves roughly a 50-mile radius from its headquarters.

“The old adage that ‘you have to crawl before you walk’ is something I definitely believed in,” Bill said. “J&B started small with patching and residential driveway jobs. We shoveled and raked up to 20 tons of asphalt a day with five or six guys. Our only equipment was an old single-axle dump truck and a roller.”

J&B Asphalt continued in that manner for several years until Bill added commercial paving to the service list and started buying machinery to complete larger projects, mainly parking lots. The company offers resurfacing, hot and cold crack filling, sealcoating and new construction, as well as removal and replacement of existing pavement.

“We believe there are a few things that really set us apart,” noted Will. “One, is that we are hands-on, meaning that Dad or I oversee every job. Customers appreciate that tremendously. Another, is a keen attention to detail to make sure each job is done right and provides the best surface possible. We stress that quality is more important than how fast you lay asphalt. Finally, we go the extra mile. For example, on resurfacing jobs we take the time to pre-fill cracks and dips before laying the cap to ensure a more even-level finished product.”


Three decades of LeeBoys

J&B Asphalt & Paving purchased its first paver nearly 30 years ago, a LeeBoy 1000B. After several years of solid production, it upgraded to a newer model, a practice that became routine for the company.

“I’ve used LeeBoy ever since,” Bill emphasized. “I live by the rule that if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it. LeeBoy pavers have always delivered excellent results. They are easy to operate, very dependable and put down a consistently smooth mat.”

A few months ago, J&B Asphalt & Paving sold the 8500E it was using and replaced it with a new 74-horsepower 8510D that paves up to 15-feet wide and can be operated from either side. The Lamores opted for a high-deck configuration and an electric screed.

“It’s personal preference; we believe the visibility is better with the high deck,” said Will. “The electric screed has saved us considerable time and money because we are not buying propane or having to stop periodically to refill the tank. The controls and gauges are laid out so that they are easy to see and use. We really like the automatic auger too, because a screed operator can stop it and keep asphalt from continuing to pile up.”

Like its previous LeeBoy paver, J&B Asphalt & Paving purchased the 8510D from Kirby-Smith Machinery’s Kansas City, Kan., branch, this time working with Sales & Operations Manager Tim Yauilla.

“It’s been rare that we had an issue with a LeeBoy paver, but if we do, or we need some other service, Kirby-Smith has been right there to help,” said Bill. “They take great care of us.”


Passing along experience

While he has no imminent plans to retire, Bill does have his eye on that milestone. He continues to pass along his skill in balancing all aspects of running a business to Will, who will eventually take over J&B Asphalt & Paving. He stresses the importance of “making hay” while you can and taking enough time off to decompress and prepare for the next paving season.

“We only have a few months each year to pave, and it gets hectic and stressful at times,” Bill shared. “In my 40 years of business, I’ve only worked one winter. I know that others do snow removal, but I was always conservative and made sure I put enough aside to get from one season to the next without a need to do that. Instead, I like to rest, reassess and plan.”

That strategy has helped Bill create a solid foundation for Will, who has at least considered a future with a second crew so the company could handle multiple assignments at once.

“Expansion would only happen as long as it doesn’t jeopardize our ability to provide quality, on-time projects,” he said. “Like Dad, I take great pride in that. It’s enjoyable to drive away from a job knowing you are leaving a satisfied customer with a smooth surface that will last a long time. In the end, that’s what it’s all about.”



See more Leeboy Pavers here!

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